Neophyte? My husband and I are in our 60's. This is our fourth RV and have traveled all over the US.
Yes, in our excitement we made a mistake and drove too far but we learned a lesson.
We have heard from numerous people Walmart iis a great place to stay but we had an uncomfortable experience. The story was suppose to be humor. Sorry if you were offended.
Driving thorugh the sand and cati, little life is apparent in the Nevada desert. You haven't noticed this?
We spent two weeks on this trip at beautiful spots in Nevada. It was beautiful but that is in other stories I have written. You might enjoy them.
Finally, I do not drive a Hundai. I own a Mini Cooper which is made by BMW, great little car. And I don't stay at Motel 6 unless I have to. But if I do, it will probably spark another story. I don't think you would like it either.
Happy travels.